VMWare Over-provisioning report with #Powershell

Just thought I would put this out here for anyone monitoring a large Vmware environment. Cheers!

You would need to change $ss to a remote location you wish the report to be stored, our putting a local location would be fine as well, but then would have to local copies on C:, and wherever you specify.

 function vmware-provisioning {
$viservers = "vcenter1", "vcenter2"
    $cred = get-credential
$date = (Get-Date).tostring("yyyyMMdd")
Add-PSSnapin Vmware.VIMAutomation.Core | Out-Null
set-PowerCLIConfiguration -invalidCertificateAction "ignore" -confirm:$false | out-null
foreach ($server in $viservers) {
	$datastores = $null
	$vms = $null
	$size = $null
	$output = $null
	$vm = $null
	$store = $null
	connect-viserver $server -credential $cred | out-null
	$datastores = get-datastore
	foreach ($store in $datastores) {
		$size = $null
		$output = $null
		$vms = $null
		$vms = get-vm -Datastore $store
		foreach ($vm in $vms){
			$vmsize = $null
			$vmsize = $vm | get-harddisk | where {$_.Persistence -eq "Persistent"} | Measure-Object CapacityGB -Sum | Select -expand Sum
			$size += $vmsize
		$output = New-Object PSobject -Property @{
				"Name" = $store.name
				"Provisioned" = $size
				"Total Size" = $store.CapacityGB
				"Difference in GB" = $store.CapacityGB - $size
			} | Select Name, Provisioned, 'Total Size', 'Difference in GB' | export-csv C:\VMware_Provisioning.csv -Append
	disconnect-viserver $server -confirm:$false -force | out-null
	start-sleep -Seconds 3
